Designed by a Navy Seal but safe for the elderly.
Works for all levels of fitness.
Strengthen any muscle group.
Stabilize your deep core – a key to posture.
Very affordable.
Easy to learn at home or at the gym.
A brand name TRX setup costs about $250 and is made tough enough for gyms. I use a knock-off suspension trainer. These cost $50 – $70 and are good enough to work for most people.
The straps are not elastic. They are noting like rubber tubing exercises. They hold, or suspend, your weight while you move. There are lots of YouTube videos to give you ideas on what exercises to do. When I started, I paid for a series of 5 visits with a personal trainer. He helped me get a feel of the correct form. But it’s pretty simple – if you keep your body in a straight line you’ve got it. And we worked out a simple exercise routine.
It’s easy to learn a few basic exercises to start. Most kits come with a book or chart giving you ideas and there are lots of videos online (see below). Resistance is easily modified just by changing how far your feet are from the attachment point. Once you feel how it works you can make each exercise as easy or as hard as you want.
cl click on the image for a link to Amazon
Just go easy when you start. It can feel easy but this is a powerful workout. I have not seen any injuries but it is easy to overdo if you’re new. If in doubt talk to me or schedule a free online chat.
Here are a few links to YouTube videos giving you some ideas:
— A full workout with the inventor. This is an advanced workout but can show you what is possible.
I definitely recommend suspension training to my chiropractic patients because I find it really helps them develop both the deep core strength and the muscle memory for good posture.
You can email me with comments or click on the link to schedule a time for a free Get to Know You Chat. I especially recommend this if you have any questions about any physical limitations or other issues you may have. Or if you have questions about setting up the system inside or outside.
Here I am outside on the deck. I love the morning air, bird songs, and usually, sun. It’s easy to unclip and move inside if it’s raining.
Keeping good muscle mass is probably the most important factor in aging well.
YouTube videos:
A full workout with the inventor. Pretty advanced but can give you ideas.
TRX for seniors.
My practice is about finding solutions including solutions to help you live longer and better. if you want to learn more and schedule a time to talk to me directly.(15 minutes, no charge).
Visit the patient resource page for more self care ideas.